
This page lists significant changes introduced in releases of d3-geomap.

Changes in Version 3.3.0

  • Use nightwatch.js for end to end tests and add several tests for example maps.
  • Add unitName function which tests that the property to be used as the unitId is defined, before manipulating it and returning it. Fixes issue #58.

Changes in Version 3.2.0

  • Identifier values in CSV files used for map units can now contain whitespace, see pull request.

Changes in Version 3.1.0

  • Add optional geoData property as alternative to geofile. See pull request.
  • Increase the default scale factor optimized for world map.

Changes in Version 3.0.0

This release introduces several changes that are backwards incompatible. On the plus side d3-geomap can now be imported via import or require from other npm modules. Many thanks to Dylan Praul for his substantial contributions.

  • Provide a built version that other npm modules can consume with import or require.
  • Rename d3.geomap.choropleth to d3.choropleth.
  • Refer to the package as d3-geomap and to the JavaScript object as d3.geomap.
  • Remove the colorbrewer object, which provided color scales. Instead d3-scale-chromatic, which is included in D3, can be used.
  • The d3-geomap CSS class must be added to map elements for default styling.
  • The TopoJSON files included in the distribution are now built from Natural Earth Vector version 4.1.0
  • The downloadable zip bundle does not include the dependencies any more.
  • The Rollup module bundler is now used for building the distribution.
  • Upgrade to D3 version 5.

Changes in Version 2.0.0

  • The draw function now only accepts a single argument, the map selection.
  • Upgrade to D3 version 4.
  • Use mapshaper to create TopoJSON files. Id values are now accessed via the properties attribute of a feature object.

Changes in Version 1.0.2

  • Fixed issue #37: only colorize country and change tooltip if value is defined.
  • Fixed issue #38: added script to change FIPS code for Minnesota.

Changes in Version 1.0.1

  • Use ES5 forEach instead of ES6 for of to avoid using polyfill to support older browsers.

Changes in Version 1.0.0

d3.geomap was originally written in CoffeeScript. For version 1 I ported it to JavaScript or more specifically the EcmaScript specifications supported by babeljs.

In an effort to simplify the code and make it more readably and maintainable, I refactored the library internally. The public facing API stayed mostly the same, except for the changes listed below.

  • Turned svg accessor method into an attribute in d3.geomap.
  • Renamed zoomMax accessor to zoomFactor.
  • Renamed title accessor to unitTitle.
  • Removed data_by_id, selection, and private attributes from d3.geomap.choropleth.

New Features

  • Maps are now responsive by default if width is not set.
  • Added the duration and valueScale accessors to d3.geomap.choropleth.
  • Added colorScale and extend attributes to d3.geomap.choropleth.
  • legend accessor can now be called with an object having width and height attributes to set the legend dimensions.